
Premium Pass, providing leading services in the global MICE and tourism market

Leading the industry with digital innovation and global network


Since its establishment in 2007, Premium Pass International Co., Ltd. (CEO Kim Eung-soo) has provided customers with the highest level of customized experience through differentiated MICE (corporate meetings, reward tours, etc.) and tourism services, and is a leading company growing rapidly in the global market.


Premium Pass is a company that offers a comprehensive range of services, including VIP airport assistance at Incheon International Airport, premium transportation services, and tailored tourism experiences, all through a one-stop platform. The company aims to deliver sophisticated experiences that exceed customer expectations.


In particular, its MICE and tourism concierge desks at Terminals 1 and 2 of Incheon Airport, along with its digital concierge services, provide overseas customers with convenient and secure travel solutions. Additionally, the 24-hour SOS call/chat service and support in 48 languages meet the needs of global travelers.


Another key differentiator of Premium Pass is its development of tourism products based on Korean Wave (Hallyu) content. By designing and curating unique tourism experiences centered around K-POP, K-Food, and K-Beauty, and collaborating with international partners, the company has gained widespread popularity. This success demonstrates Premium Pass’s strong presence in the global tourism market, garnering significant attention from foreign travel agencies and clients alike.



Furthermore, Premium Pass boasts a robust network of over 1,000 global partners and exceptional expertise in attracting, planning, and managing MICE events. Notable achievements this year include the successful organization of major international events such as the 2024 Korea MICE Expo and the Global Women’s Business Summit, which highlight the company’s professionalism and reliability.


To stay ahead, Premium Pass actively adopts cutting-edge technologies to drive digital innovation and provide sustainable services. Through its digital concierge service and specialized tourism packages tailored for business travelers and FIT (Free Independent Travelers), the company is adeptly responding to the rapidly evolving market landscape.


Building on its achievements, Premium Pass has been recognized as one of Seoul’s Outstanding Tourism Products for two consecutive years (2023–2024). The company has also earned accolades as a distinguished member of the Korea Association of Travel Agents and an alliance partner of the Korea Tourism Organization, further cementing its reputation both domestically and internationally.


Premium Pass plans to practice coexistence and cooperation based on trust with customers and partners under the corporate philosophy of ‘Value and Together’ and establish itself as a leading company in the MICE and tourism industries in the global market.


Kim Eung-su, CEO of Premium Pass, said, “In the future, Premium Pass will continue to provide services that impress customers.”

“We plan to further strengthen our competitiveness in the global tourism industry based on Korean Wave content.”



계룡건설, 베트남 첫 한국형 산업단지 성공적으로 준공... 한국형 민관협력 모델 완성 계룡건설이 시공한 베트남 최초의 한국형 산업단지인 ‘흥옌성 클린 산업단지’가 지난 23일 준공식을 성대히 개최하며 성공적인 완공을 알렸다. 흥옌성 클린 산업단지는 베트남에 진출하는 한국기업을 위한 최초의 한국형 산업단지로, 하노이 남동쪽 36km 떨어진 흥옌성 지역에 1,431천㎡(43만 평) 규모로 조성되었다. 이 프로젝트는 한국토지주택공사(LH)와 한국해외인프라도시개발지원공사(KIND)등 한국 컨소시엄과 베트남 기업인 TDH 에코랜드가 공동 투자한 민관협력사업으로 계룡건설이 주요 시공을 담당했다. 이날 ‘흥옌성 클린 산업단지’ 준공식에는 산업단지 시공사인 계룡건설 윤길호 사장과 박상우 국토교통부 장관, 이상욱 LH 부사장, 최영삼 주베트남 대한민국대사, 쩐 꾸옥 반 흥옌성장 등 주요 인사들이 참석했다. 특히 계룡건설은 프로젝트 성공에 기여한 공로를 인정받아 박상우 장관으로부터 표창장을 수여 받으며 그 성과를 높이 평가받았다. 흥옌성 클린 산업단지는 지난 2017년 LH와 흥옌성이 산업도시 개발 협력 MOU를 체결한 이후, 2022년 9월 착공에 들어가며 우리나라 민관이 협력해 해외에 한국형 산업단지를 조성ㆍ분양한 첫 사례로 주목받았다. 계룡건설은 한국-베

