
LuluLab revolutionizes the global beauty industry with AI skin analysis solution

Provide personalized skin care with AI skin analysis solution ‘Lumini’


‘LuluLab’, a spin-off from Samsung Electronics’ in-house venture program C-Lab in 2017, is a company leading the digital transformation of the beauty and healthcare industry with a skin analysis solution using AI technology.

Under the leadership of CEO Choi Yong-jun, Lululab is rapidly establishing itself in the global market with its AI-powered skin analysis solution, LUMINI, which offers personalized skincare services.

Lumini is a solution that scans the user's skin, analyzes skin conditions such as pores, wrinkles, and sebum, and recommends optimal cosmetics and skin treatments based on this.

This technology is highly regarded for its skin analysis accuracy and efficiency by suggesting optimized care methods based on the user's skin data. This technology has been recognized by winning the CES Innovation Award four times, and is currently accumulating extensive skin data in cooperation with more than 100 global partners around the world.

Based on its success in the B2B market, lululab is expanding its business area into the B2C market and healthcare field.



The company has introduced the LUMINI Home, a smart mirror for at-home use, and LUMINI SDK, a mobile solution, enabling consumers to easily monitor and manage their skin condition at home. Furthermore, Lululab is developing diagnostic services for skin disorders based on its accumulated data, strengthening its presence in the healthcare market.

Lululab’s vision is to break down the barriers between beauty and healthcare, evolving into a life sciences platform powered by skin data.

The relentless efforts of CEO Choi and the team aim to drive not only the digital transformation of the beauty industry but also the development of data-driven medical and wellness services.

CEO Choi Yong-jun stated, “LuluLab aims to help people around the world live healthy and happy lives through AI technology.” 
“We will contribute to the development of the beauty and healthcare industry through innovative services based on skin data.” He said.



계룡건설, 베트남 첫 한국형 산업단지 성공적으로 준공... 한국형 민관협력 모델 완성 계룡건설이 시공한 베트남 최초의 한국형 산업단지인 ‘흥옌성 클린 산업단지’가 지난 23일 준공식을 성대히 개최하며 성공적인 완공을 알렸다. 흥옌성 클린 산업단지는 베트남에 진출하는 한국기업을 위한 최초의 한국형 산업단지로, 하노이 남동쪽 36km 떨어진 흥옌성 지역에 1,431천㎡(43만 평) 규모로 조성되었다. 이 프로젝트는 한국토지주택공사(LH)와 한국해외인프라도시개발지원공사(KIND)등 한국 컨소시엄과 베트남 기업인 TDH 에코랜드가 공동 투자한 민관협력사업으로 계룡건설이 주요 시공을 담당했다. 이날 ‘흥옌성 클린 산업단지’ 준공식에는 산업단지 시공사인 계룡건설 윤길호 사장과 박상우 국토교통부 장관, 이상욱 LH 부사장, 최영삼 주베트남 대한민국대사, 쩐 꾸옥 반 흥옌성장 등 주요 인사들이 참석했다. 특히 계룡건설은 프로젝트 성공에 기여한 공로를 인정받아 박상우 장관으로부터 표창장을 수여 받으며 그 성과를 높이 평가받았다. 흥옌성 클린 산업단지는 지난 2017년 LH와 흥옌성이 산업도시 개발 협력 MOU를 체결한 이후, 2022년 9월 착공에 들어가며 우리나라 민관이 협력해 해외에 한국형 산업단지를 조성ㆍ분양한 첫 사례로 주목받았다. 계룡건설은 한국-베

